What can you use Boardly for?

We can't think of everything, but here's what we have seen so far. What do you want to use Boardly for?

Work projects

  • Things you need to do this week
  • Project A Tasks
  • Project B Tasks
  • Project C Tasks
  • Calls to return
  • Clients To Meet
  • Stocks to watch
  • Meeting Agenda
  • Meeting Action Items
  • Features to develop
  • Code changes to make
  • Short Term Goals
  • Business Roadmap
  • Topics to Write About
  • Strategic Goals

Around the house

  • Thank you notes to write
  • Restaurants to check out
  • Household chores to accomplish
  • Shopping list
  • Bills to pay
  • People to invite to the party

Side hustle

  • Marketing Tasks
  • Product Roadmap
  • Quarterly Goals
  • Client Meetings
  • Client Projects
  • Content Ideas
  • Content Creation
  • Helpful Books To Read
  • Sales and Prospecting Calls

Fun stuff

  • Web links to visit
  • Places to visit
  • Movies to watch
  • Books to read

Random things

  • Things to pack for your trip
  • New words and definitions
  • Gifts to buy for people during the holidays
  • Things to sell on eBay
  • Things you have borrowed and should return

For the first time in a while, I am actually planning my work. Boardly makes it easy. But it also makes it pleasant.

Greg Andersen, Amsterdam