The simplest planning board. No bells, no whistles. Free.
If you have used Asana or Monday, you know how many unused features they have cluttering your screen. All you want is something simple to plan your day. Boardly to the rescue.
What is it?
Boardly is the simplest planning board you can use to manage your work projects and client engagements or keep track of tasks for your side hustle. Create as many boards as you need, group them by colour, and invite others to collaborate. It has everything you need to plan your work and nothing you don’t. And it’s free.
But we already have Monday or Clickup
Yes, and the most common thing you use these apps for is organizing your tasks. And even this simple task is a mission to accomplish with all the bells and whistles that they hang on the user interface. Don’t you just want something that doesn’t make your brain hurt every time you log in? And what do you pay for all of these unused features?
Here's what Boardly looks like.

Boardly on your phone.
You can use Boarldy on your phone. See how here.
You can use Boardly to:
- Plan your work projects. Sometimes, you just need a simple board to organize your work and easily tell what you should be working on now and what’s next on the list. Take notes during meetings to help you write those Friday team updates.
- Manage multiple clients. If you’re a freelancer, you probably have a few client projects on the go. What’s the easiest way to lose a client? Forget to finish a task. Boardly can help you stay on track and win more business.
- Track your quaterly goals. Use the simplest board as a roadmap. Add your goals in, and move the ones you’re focusing on now to the NOW section. Easily spot what’s next. Always stay organized.
- Collaborate with others. Working on a project alone can be daunting. Invite others to help you and use Boardly to plan your work, organize tasks and get meaningful work done.
- Run a side hustle. Want to break away from the daily grind? Need a simple and inexpensive way to track what needs to be done? Use Boardly. It’s simple and free.
- Put stuff on your bucket list. Want to check out a restaurant, read a book, talk to someone, or get something for your kid’s birthday? Make a board and start adding your items. Make it public to share with the world.
- Create a shopping list. Create a shopping list board, add your significant other to it, and voila, you now have a shopping list board. You can both add items to the list and mark them as needed now, soon or later.
- See more examples.

Frequently Asked Questions
Free? Really? Why?
Yes, Boardly is free. No fees, no monthly or yearly commitments, no per-user fees. Free. We have built Boardly because we were frustrated with existing project management apps. There was too much stuff. We just wanted no bells and no whistles. So we built it. Since Boardly is super simple, there is no reason to charge for it.
Will you charge for it in the future?
No. Our plan is to keep Boardly free and simple until the end of the internet or until we can’t afford to pay the hosting fees. We want tracking tasks to be a breeze for everyone, not a slugfest. We haven’t added any features that cost us a lot of money. In the future, if we add those, we could charge a small lifetime fee.
What’s the catch? Why are you giving it away?
The catch. Everyone has it. In the future, we want to build more apps to help people get work done. We don’t know what those apps are. We want to learn from Boardly users about their work and the problems they deal with every day. If we can solve the problem for the users, we might build an app. Then and only then, we might send you an email telling you about it. That’s it.
How does Boardly work?
Boardly is about planning and executing your daily work in the simplest manner possible. You start by creating a board, choosing a color and adding a description. Then, you can start adding tasks to the Next bucket. The Now bucket is for tasks you intend to work on now. When you are done, you move the task into the Done bucket. If a task is not something you want to do now or next, move it to the Later bucket. You can invite others to collaborate on the board and make the board public to showcase progress. You can also keep meeting notes.
See more FAQs.
It's Free
Simple. Effective. Clear.
- Create multiple boards.
- Track your tasks.
- Collaborate with others.
- Keep work notes.
For the first time in a while, I am actually planning my work. Boardly makes it easy. But it also makes it pleasant.
Greg Andersen, Amsterdam